The diagram below shows the allocation, setup, execution and release phases available for each Stage.
stateDiagram [*] --> ALLOC : Cyclo is running ALLOC --> SETUP SETUP --> READY READY --> RELEASE RELEASE --> [*] state ALLOC { [*] --> FacilityInfra [*] --> Skill FacilityInfra --> Energy FacilityInfra --> Area Energy --> [*] : energy_ok Area --> [*] : area_ok Skill --> FacilityOp FacilityOp --> Tool Tool --> [*] : tool_skill_ok FacilityOp --> Worker Worker --> [*] : worker_skill_ok } state SETUP { setup } state READY { getWiP --> EXEC EXEC --> putWiP putWiP } state RELEASE { [*] --> Area Area --> FacilityInfra : area_free [*] --> Energy Energy --> FacilityInfra : energy_free [*] --> Tool Tool --> FacilityOp : tool_skill_free [*] --> Worker Worker --> FacilityOp : worker_skill_free }
Published in Business Amplifier, also e-book and Amplificador de Negócios.