Times of Gain (ToG)
Actually, the Stage is a state machine that changes in a timeline, according to the phases listed below:
- resource allocation
- setup
- execution
- resource release
- free
The following diagram show the Times of Gain (ToG) timeline:
sequenceDiagram autonumber rect rgb(255, 0, 255, .3) Alloc-->>Setup: Resource Allocation Time end rect rgb(255, 255, 0, .3) Setup-->>Execution: Stage Setup Time end rect rgb(0, 255, 0, .3) Execution->>Release: Stage Execution Time end rect rgb(255, 0, 255, .3) Release-->>Free: Resource Release Time end rect rgb(0, 0, 255, .3) Alloc->>Free: Stage Total Time end
Resource Allocation
- Infrastructure are Resources supported by the Facility, like Energy and Shop Floor Area.
- The Skills indicate Operational Resources to be sought in the Facility, like Tools and People.
- For each required Resource, check its availability. If it’s not available, the Stage awaits.
- At Resource allocation phase, there may be a delay due to the Resource Allocation Time.
Stage Setup
- Before each Stage execution, there may be a delay due to the Stage Setup Time.
- This delay is defined by the Process & Facility, including tool setup for example.
Stage Execution
- From the Cyclo may eventually come and go assets like WiP.
- Stages execute transformations according to Deming’s Process specification: At each Stage there is production, that is, something happens in the set of assets that enter a Stage, causing their exit in a different state.
- The Stage execution expects to introduce a delay known as the Stage Execution Time.
Resource Release
- Any resulting WiP must be released to the next Stage in the Cyclo.
- Resources allocated from the Facility are eventually released to FacilityInfra & FacilityOp.
- At Resource release phase, there may be a delay due to the Resource Release Time.
Published in Business Amplifier, also e-book and Amplificador de Negócios.