These rules apply to a Planet populated by Products, made by a Cyclo in a Process deployed across a Facility managed by a Company.
- The Process is specified by Cyclos, grouped in Stages.
- The Facility provides infrastructural & operational Resources.
- Stage and WiP (Work In Process) are first class citizens of Cyclo.
- The Stage allocates Resources to accomplish its task.
- Every Stage requires Skills to accomplish its task.
- The Skill is provided by a combination of People and/or Tools.
- The Stage buys Product from Planet as WiP.
- The Stage transforms WiP through the Cyclo.
- The Stage sells Product to Planet as WiP.
- WiP becomes Product that becomes WiP at another Cyclo.
The Stage, detailed below, allocates Facility resources divided into two categories:
- Facility Infrastructure: includes items like Shop Floor Area, Energy, Equipment, etc.
- Facility Operation: includes operational items with Skills, like People and Tools.
classDiagram Planet --> "1..n" Product : populated_by Company --> Facility : manage Product --> WiP : sell WiP --> Product : buy Process --> "1..n" Cyclo : contain Product --> "1..n" Cyclo : made_of Facility --> "1..n" Process : deploy Cyclo --> "1..n" Stage : contain Stage --> Stage : next Stage --> "1..n" WiP : transform Stage --> "1..n" Skill : require Infrastructure <|-- Energy Infrastructure <|-- Area Infrastructure <|-- Other People --> "1..n" Skill : provide People --> "0..n" People : command People --> "0..n" Tools : command Tools --> "0..n" Tools : command Tools --> "1..n" Skill : provide Facility <|-- Operation Facility <|-- Infrastructure Operation <|-- People Operation <|-- Tools
Published in Business Amplifier, also e-book and Amplificador de Negócios.